Catholic Charities

Peb Qhov Tseem Ceeb

Qhov tseem ceeb

Tiamsis yog cov lus no tseem ceeb heev, lawv tseem ceeb heev thiab tej hauv paus ntsiab lus tseem ceeb heev rau peb lub koom haum. Peb ntseeg tias nyob rau hauv lawv, thiab yuav cia siab tias cov tub ntxhais qhov tseem ceeb yuav pom nyob rau hauv peb lub sij hawm ua hauj lwm txhua hnub. Lawv txhais peb nyuas thiab uas peb yeej yog neeg.

Peb ua hauj lwm ua ke los pab lwm tus nyob rau hauv peb lub zej zog.

Molly tus siab lawm exemplary, thiab nws zog ua hauj lwm yog ib inspiration rau sawv daws nyob ib ncig ntawm nws. Nws yog ib tug ntawm cov neeg uas ua Catholic Charities zoo kawg thiab! Nws lub teeb xyuas peb lub neej yav tom ntej yog kaj lug. Molly yog ib inspiration rau tag nrho nws lug txhawb cov miv!

Molly Borell

Txhawb Kev Pab Nyob

Task Force Committee

  • Alyssa Koob, Director of Mental Health
  • Brandon Zylka IT Director
  • Julie Kline, Tus Kws Pab Tswv Yim Txog Nyiaj Txiag thiab Vaj Tsev Intake Intake Coordinator
  • Michelle Arnold, uas Human Resources Director
  • Molly Borell Supportive Living Services Tus Neeg Ua Haujlwm Pabcuam
  • Rachel Leszczynski , IT EHR Systems Administrator
  • Tanya Lambert, Elk River Day Treatment Clinical Supervisor

Laj Thawj

Txhob txwm tsim ib tug zoo thiab txhawb chaw ua hauj lwm nyuas, uas peb qhov tseem ceeb yog woven rau txhua yam peb ua.

Cwjpwm ntawm Tus Cwjpwm

Lub Code of Conduct outlines peb cov tub ntxhais qhov tseem ceeb thiab lawv tseem ceeb nyob rau hauv peb cov kev ua ub no txhua hnub, thaum displaying peb lub koom haum nyuas.

Learn more

Zoo ua ke puav pheej nrog koob meej

2024, Quarter 1

2024, Peb 2

2024, Peb 3

2024, Peb 4

Nominate ib Coworker

Sau daim ntawv xa koj nominations rau tus nqi Task Force. Submissions yog muab rov los xyuas txhuab peb lub hlis los ntawm qhov tseem ceeb Task Force neeg thiab cov coj council. Txog li peb cov neeg tau txais kev pab yuav tau xaiv ib lub quarter.

Sib koom los ntawm: